
  • ADDED Check for TRC version when importing a profile.
  • ADDED PWA (PureWhiteAdjust): Adjustment of white ink on detected pure white areas.
  • Fix Resizer calculation now correctly includes the last pixel line.
  • Fix Environment no longer auto-changes on templates when closing the Print Options form without confirmation.

2 responses to “Version”

  1. Arne Devos Avatar

    What does the PWA and TRC settings do?

    1. Michele Avatar

      The PWA and TRC settings serve different purposes related to color management and print quality:

      – TRC (Tone Reproduction Curve): This is a color linearization curve generated by WhiteRIP during profile creation. It adjusts color output to ensure smooth gradations and accurate color reproduction, preventing unwanted shifts or distortions in the printed image.
      – PWA (Pure White Adjustment): This setting prevents white ink bleeding in areas of pure white. It ensures that the white ink does not spread beyond its intended boundaries, improving edge sharpness and overall print clarity.
      (PWA should only be activated if necessary)

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